#Day31 #100DaysOfCode the problem with chaining is that it doesn't cache friendly. This means that related data might not be placed closed together in a temporary call which results in cache miss. ...
#Day30 #100DaysOfCode hash table is a data structure that maps key, value pair to a table by a hash function. it is done for faster access of ele. Its efficiency depends on the hash function used. ...
#Day29 #100DaysOfCode Binary Heap is a data structure that requires knowledge of both trees and arrays. In fact, it is a complete binary tree, but is represented in a 1d array. See my previous blog...
#Day28 #100DaysOfCode in doubly linked list, you can traverse backwards, which cannot be easily done in singly linked list. doubly linked list differs with singly linked list in a way that it has a...
# Day27 #100DaysOfCode linked list is an important data structure learnt in schools and universities. it is a linear data structure that involves series of connected nodes. Each node is represented...
#Day26 #100DaysOfCode Complete Binary Tree is constructed like the heap data structure. It iteratively inserts the nodes from the left where a parent node has a 2 children array indexes are 2i+1 an...
#Day25 #100DaysOfCode A full binary tree has either 0 or 2 children. A node that has 0 chidren is a leaf node. Therefore, a single node can be a full BT. There are 3 quantities go with full BT: no ...
#Day24 #100DaysOfCode Yesterday, I just had my fresher test. I felt sad because I had not revised thoroughly enough. The content was something I already learnt but not remembered at that specific t...
#Day23 #100DaysOfCode Circular queue is an extension of a normal queue which solves the drawback of empty spaces a normal queue has. When dequeueing, only the front index moves in normal queues. Ev...
#Day22 #100DaysOfCode Queue is data structure similar to stack. Instead, it follows the FIFO principle where the first element comes first will be served first. In other words, the first inserted e...
#Day21 #100DaysOfCode multidimensional array is a very cool indeed important concept I always wanted to pick up but never had a chance to. I was told by my teacher a long ago but never realized it ...
#Day20 #100DaysOfCode stack is a data structure that resembles a stack of plates for which the plates should only be taken from the top. there are many ways to implement a stack: struct, class, lin...
#Day19 #100DaysOfCode asymptotic analysis is the study of the change in performance of an algorithm with respective change in the dataset size. asymptotic notation is a mathematical notation used t...
#Day18 #100DaysOfCode the most important resources a computer has is time and memory. time = no of instructions * time to exe each instructions there are different type of data structure that suits...
#Day17 #100DaysOfCode algorithm to find the largest number among three numbers. _assuming maximum is the first number. if the 2nd no is larger, then max is the 2nd no. if the 3rd is larger than the...
#Day16 #100DaysOfCode the master theorem is used in calculating the time complexity of a recurrence relation. where a is the number of subproblems in all recursive calls n/b: size of each subproble...
#Day15 #100DaysOfCode linear search is rarely used because it is comparatively slower than other searching method. starting from the leftmost position of the array, traverse till the end of the arr...
#Day14 #100DaysOfCode selection sort: finding the minimum elements and place it at the begining of the list. time complexity is O(n2) in 3 cases. insertion sort: similar to the ways of sorting card...
#Day13 #100DaysOfCode an extension to insertion sort. compared values in between range. some refer to as intervals or gaps. in other words, not swapping adjacent elements but elements in far distan...
#Day12 #100DaysOfCode sort by distributing elements to within a range. mostly use for sorting float type number. scatter-gather approach time complexity: O(n + k) in best, which is O(n) in average....
#Day11 #100DaysOfCode sort the array based on digits. use counting sort as a subroutine. works with integer type number only. if want to do with negative number, separate the negatives, remove the ...
#Day10 #100DaysOfCode count the occurence of elements in array. calculate cumulative sum of the count array. the new position of elements in the array is the cumulative sum minus 1. must go from ba...
#Day9 #100DaysOfCode bubblesort is the simplest sorting algo. sort elements by swapping adjacent elements. gots its name because the largest element finally bubbles to the end of the array. because...
#Day8 #100DaysOfCode Finally done review SQL exercise! Hurray! Gonna be back sorting algorithm tomorrow! ganbatte! joining more than two tables using inner join dont care about order of tables, but...
#Day7 #100DaysOfCode Continued to revise SQL exercise. It's not some good thing to share but the thing that kept me up going these days till my fresher interview day which is some time in March is ...
#Day6 #100DaysOfCode Done practice exercise. Lab assignment no.3 operations like sum, average, count, max, min usually have group by statement with them. these are done in the select query. calcula...
#Day5 #100DaysOfCode _join is used to connect table of matching rows or columns. _inner join or just join is used to show results in BOTH tables _left join or left outer join is used to show result...
#Day4 #100DaysOfCode installed SQL Server 2019. Chooses Database Engine Services, Data Quality Services, Client Tools Connectivity. installed SSMS. forgot that SSMS is the workplace for SQL. SQL is...
#Day3 #100DaysOfCode implemented merge sort in array. time complexity: O(nlogn) divide and conquer algorithm recommended use on linked list, more preferred on linked list than quicksort because _in...
#Day2 #100DaysOfCode Time complexity: O(nlogn) i.e: divide problem into two smaller problems divide and conquer algorithm partition the array into 3 parts. middle position is called the pivot. anyt...
#Day1 #100DaysOfCode heap is a data structure. it is a complete binary tree (please refer to complete binary tree for more properties on its own). A binary heap: node in parent greater or less than...