I have 3 open Recruiting opportunities on my team! Great for anyone who is interested in breaking into IT Recruiting - or is an IT Recruiting Coordinator looking for their first break! Ping me :)
Something really interesting has been developing for me in the last two months that never was offered to me in all my working years. Now that I am leading my own team, I find myself rooting my lead...
When I think about the different parts that make up the whole “Me”, food and cooking have always been a central theme. Like many busy people do, food has to be a conviencence. It has to be somethin...
Does the new Dark Mode on Polywork align me with the Sith? I have been trying for a long time to be one with the Force - I don't want to go down a slippery slope. Instructions unclear - confirm bef...
10+ years of being the PM Bridesmaid, never the PM Bride. I have often found myself in the position to be the go-to Project Clean up crew. Missing the vital cert behind my name I was never the go t...
Routines are important in my day. As a nuerodivergent professionals its the difference between being productive and being paralyzed by executive dysfunction. Summer gives me the chance to do more C...