Spoke at: Microsoft Create: DevOps Talk: Dev*Ops: Beyond Development and Operations Description: Over a decade old, DevOps has permeated our industry helping reconcile and streamlining workflows be...
Spoke at: Cloud Engineering Summit by Pulumi Talk: DevSecOps and Secure Incident Response Description: Overview of what DevSecOps is and why it's important, as well as PagerDuty's 14 step, generali...
Organized: DevOps Days Buffalo Dates: 13-14 Oct 2021 Description: DevOps Days Buffalo is the Buffalo edition of the DevOps Days conferences. Founded in 2019, just in time for the pandemic, we've be...
Organized: DevOps Days Buffalo Dates: 13-14 Oct 2021 Description: DevOps Days Buffalo is the Buffalo edition of the DevOps Days conferences. Founded in 2019, just in time for the pandemic, we've be...
Spoke at: Conf42 SRE Talk: Don't Panic! Effective Incident Response Description: PagerDuty Advocate presentation about effective incident command and the incident command response structure. https:...
Spoke at: PagerDuty Webinar Talk: Resilience for Retail Description: Presentation on resilience software engineering and elevated response with a retail focus. Used ice cream business model as exam...
Spoke at: PagerDuty Customer Lunch & Learn Talk: DevSecOps and Secure Incident Response Description: Overview of what DevSecOps is and why it's important, as well as PagerDuty's 14 step, generalize...
Spoke at: DevOps Days Portland (PDX) Talk: Sensory Friendly Monitoring Description: How to keep alert noise down by determining if the priority, urgency, and work flow is correctly directed. https:...
Spoke at: PagerDuty Community Meetup Talk: DevSecOps and Secure Incident Response Description: Overview of what DevSecOps is and why it's important, as well as PagerDuty's 14 step, generalized, sec...
Spoke at: DevOps Days Zürich Talk: Unquantified Serendipity: Diversity in Development Description: What are some mind shifts that we can make to create more diverse spaces in our communities and pl...
Spoke at: PagerCon (internal PagerDuty conference) Talk: Virtual Presenting Description: Some of the common considerations when you're getting started speaking virtually, as well as some of the got...
Spoke at: PagerDuty EMEA Webinar Talk: Sensory Friendly Monitoring Description: How to keep alert noise down by determining if the priority, urgency, and work flow is correctly directed. https://no...
Spoke at: DevOps Days Minneapolis Talk: Sensory Friendly Monitoring Description: How to keep alert noise down by determining if the priority, urgency, and work flow is correctly directed. https://n...
Spoke at: DevOps Days oNLine (DevOps Days Amsterdam) Talk: Prevent Heroism: How to Work Today to Reduce Work Tomorrow Description: Reactive work is a massive time and value sink, but unfortunately ...
Spoke at: PagerDuty Summit Talk: Introduction to DevSecOps Description: This is a 1.5 hr variant on my 30 min "DevSecOps and Secure Incident Response" talk. In this version, I actually start by rea...
Ran PagerDuty-Gremlin workshop, Responding to Chaos with PagerDuty, with coworkers and colleagues from both PagerDuty and Gremlin at PagerDuty Summit! https://summit.pagerduty.com/
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Patrick Debois Topic: DevSecOps for Development and Operations https://www.pageittothelimit.com/devsecops-for-development-and-operations-with-patrick-de...
Spoke at: Aginext Day of Organisational Psychological Safety Talk: Unquantified Serendipity: Diversity in Development (Brief) Description: Diversity is important, but not all of the benefits can be...
Rediscovered and dusted off Dev.To account https://dev.to/quintessence Posts from PagerDuty Community to come soon!
Talked about DevSecOps and Secure Incident response at JFrog's swampUP (EMEA)! https://swampup.jfrog.com/ https://noti.st/quintessence/imXvls/spearited-guidance-learning-about-devsecops
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Franklin Mosley Topic: How to Start a DevSecOps Program https://www.pageittothelimit.com/how-to-start-a-devsecops-program-with-franklin-mosley/
Talked about DevSecOps and Secure Incident response at JFrog's swampUP (North America)! https://swampup.jfrog.com/ https://noti.st/quintessence/imXvls/spearited-guidance-learning-about-devsecops
Podcast guest on Observy McObservface - New Relic podcast Topic: Pens, Pages, and Pain - Taming Alert Storms https://newrelic.com/blog/nerd-life/observy-mcobservface-quintessence-anx
Podcast guest on What Matters - Mattermost Podcast Host: PJ Hagerty Topic: Incident response process https://mattermost.libsyn.com/what-matters-episode-6-responding-to-incidents-with-quintessencve-anx
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Lilia Gutnik Topic: Lilia discusses her favorite parts of PagerDuty Summit! https://www.pageittothelimit.com/pagerduty-summit-special/
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Liz Fong-Jones Topic: Liz talks about her upcoming talk at PagerDuty Summit about Cultivating Production Excellence. https://www.pageittothelimit.com/su...
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Liran Tal Topic: Dependency security https://www.pageittothelimit.com/dependency-security-with-liran-tal/
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Megan Araula, Alexandra Shaheen, and Vinessa Wan of the New York Times Topic: Discussion about Hypercare during the recent election cycle. https://www.p...
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Liran Haimovitch Topic: Software Understandability: being able to build easily understood software and systems. https://www.pageittothelimit.com/softwar...
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: James Governor Topic: (Part 2 of 2) Discussing hiring pipeline and the choices we make to hire juniors. https://www.pageittothelimit.com/hiring-and-pipe...
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: James Governor Topic: (Part 1 of 2) Tools and Usability - tooling choices and building tools that are usable / functional. https://www.pageittothelimit....
Podcast host for Page It to the Limit Guest: Brad Lhotsky Topic: DevSecOps and Security, including a talk about mental health in security. Please note content description in show notes. https://www...
Presented "Introduction to DevSecOps" at Techorama in the EU (virtually!) https://techorama.be/agenda/session/devsecops-and-secure-incident-response/
Presented "Introduction to DevSecOps and Secure Incident Response" in a roundtable at WTF is SRE: https://twitter.com/charleshumble/status/1395452781943734279