Spoke at: DevOps Days oNLine (DevOps Days Amsterdam)
Talk: Prevent Heroism: How to Work Today to Reduce Work Tomorrow
Description: Reactive work is a massive time and value sink, but unfortunately existing gaps in team structure and/or metrics don’t capture “what’s missing”. For example, how do you track calls not placed, outages that never occurred? Traditional structures and metrics don’t necessarily capture this shift, yet everyone benefits from a better user experience - i.e. the unplaced call or outage.
Talk: Prevent Heroism: How to Work Today to Reduce Work Tomorrow
Description: Reactive work is a massive time and value sink, but unfortunately existing gaps in team structure and/or metrics don’t capture “what’s missing”. For example, how do you track calls not placed, outages that never occurred? Traditional structures and metrics don’t necessarily capture this shift, yet everyone benefits from a better user experience - i.e. the unplaced call or outage.