Built an awesome little Drag & Drop feature to our D&D Application! (So many Ds! Ds everywhere!) Using React-DnD library to handle the actual interaction, but there is plenty of TypeScript and Reac...
Started learning Java Since I want to be really good at foundations, and work more on my engineering skills, one of my next goals is to learn design patterns, data structures/algorithms, and Object...
First Portfolio Deployed my first Web Developer Portfolio, built with Next.js and Prismic.io, hosted on Netlify. Check it out at: https://pfalzer.dev
Back to coding! Started coding again, and learning Web Development. Jumped straight into JavaScript, then HTML and CSS.
35 Wizards Started working on a Full Stack character sheet management application for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5. A huge joint portfolio project with my UX Designer partner. The goal of the project is ...