
Transmission For Them Crowdfunded almost £2k for Transmission For Them, a solo journaling game about lovers lost in space. Layout, art direction, project management, and marketing by me.
Graduated with 1.1 in New Media
Peregrine Coast Press We publish a film and games magazine called Filmmakers Without Cameras. We also publish TTRPG supplements, zines, books, and pamphlets. If you need a hand with crowdfunding yo...
Vetted submissions and helped organise the Bundle for Ukraine. https://itch.io/b/1316/bundle-for-ukraine
Filmmakers Without Cameras: The Second Issue Raised £4,000 for Issue 2 of Filmmakers Without Cameras.
Failures of the World, Unite! I wrote an article for the second issue of Lock-On, a games journal.
Border Border is a liminal nature for Wanderhome. For when your journeys take you to cultures new.
🌐 Developed the "Live and Wild" website for Candour Productions
⛑️ Was Associate Editor on One Day Seyoum's "2001" magazine
🏆 Roll With It becomes the top-rated Airbnb Experience in Leeds
🎲 Began "Roll With It" - a game night experience
☮️ Hope for the future: a critical assessment of the Peace Journalism project
🎲 Made "Virtues & Scandals" YOU ARE YOUNG ARISTOCRATS FROM THE TON, a Regency-era Royal Court. You have everything you could wish for except for one thing: love. Ingratiate yourself to the QUEEN, p...
🎬 Produced "Some Body" A visual poem for two bodies and one voice. This film has been acquired by the Horsecross Arts Public Museum Collection, Perth Festivals: • The Next Generation Short Film Fes...
🎬 Wrote and Produced "Peregrine's Hymn"
🎲 Designed a pamphlet for a MÖRK BORG game jam 🥉Came 3rd for Layout and Design
Participated in the Indie bundle for Palestinian Aid with Filmmakers Without Cameras
🎓 Started studying New Media MA at the University of Leeds Modules: Digital Practices Videogames and Society Journalism Research and Practice
Graduated from the Northern Film School with a BA in Filmmaking.
📫 Filmmakers Without Cameras fulfilment begins! After a super successful Kickstarter campaign, we started shipping out copies of Filmmakers Without Cameras to all backers.
✍️ Storytelling in games as compared to film Featured on Medium.com's Gaming section and the UX Collective publication.
Type Culture Tré Seals describes his MARTIN typeface as “nonviolent”, but gives no description as to what that means. In the world of type, “non-violent” isn’t a descriptor used by anyone else. I w...