Contributed to Open Source Project
Improved workflows
Used Docker
Automated deployment
Reached a Milestone
Sometimes when you start coding at 00:00 you want to stop at 00:00 and that's almost always going to be a bad idea. Guess what, 23 hours in, not even GitHub wanted us running any more workflows so they threw us a Thanksgiving surprise outage.

Closing in hot at 151 commits across 3 testing repositories, it's not about quantity but quality and this personal coding marathon milestone helped us progress preparations for the upcoming version 3 release of @open-sauced/semantic-release-conventional-config, a release so packed it's dropping version 4 on top of 3!

Meant to be a zero-config release companion to mtfoley/pr-compliance-action and a bold contender to the 2021 GitHub Actions Hackathon on DEV, it stays true to the @open-sauced pizza party, because what's better than releasing 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 with containerized GitHub actions?

Guess we'll just have to see!

Shoutouts @bdougie and @mtfoley!