I Write Things
An explainer post for MVC Frameworks. You can expect relatable examples without jargon, `foo`, `bar`, or dreaded math examples. https://dev.to/vickilanger/tie-what-is-an-mvc-framework-3g1o
An explainer post for Cascading Deletes. You can expect relatable examples without jargon, `foo`, `bar`, and math examples. https://dev.to/vickilanger/tie-what-is-a-cascading-delete-with-relatable-...
So, you want to code but don't know where to do it. Here are a few ways you can do it without much trouble. https://dev.to/vickilanger/where-do-i-code-3cb2
Do you want to learn how to code? Try starting here. In less than 5 minutes you'll have your first line and some fancy code things you can do with it. https://dev.to/vickilanger/your-first-line-of-...
What can you give and get from the Twitterverse? If you code and you're not already on Twitter, expect this to make you question why. https://dev.to/vickilanger/that-s-it-that-s-the-tweet-send-3e0h
Don't beat yourself up if a resource doesn't work for you. There are more out there. Keep learning. If you can't find what you want, struggle through then write your own resource because there is a...
Are you designing stickers and other swag? Some tips from a random onlooker. https://dev.to/vickilanger/rules-to-stick-to-my-observations-about-stickers-c9c
Look, we all know the jokes about spending hours to code a thing that saves you seconds, but in all reality when should we code? Here's my take on it: https://dev.to/vickilanger/when-should-i-use-c...
Do you know what programming is? If you are a programmer, I'm gonna guess you do. More importantly, do you know how to explain what you do to people who don't know? Maybe share this with them https...
Who can be a programmer? Idk, let's find out https://dev.to/vickilanger/who-can-be-a-programmer-33fm
Have you ever wondered "How do I code?" Me too and so have many others. Skim through this to check out some tips and tools* I wish I had been aware of when I started learning. *not programs or phys...
https://twitter.com/vicki_langer/status/1499749408199565321 Thanks, Dev.to! It's always been tough for me to understand all the awful `foo` `bar` examples. So, I love to share what helps me. If you...