After a few weeks of thinking the idea over, I decided it was time to hit the Enter button.
Last Friday I published the first edition of The Upvote - a weekly newsletter curating the five discoveries from the world of UX and design.
I've set two goals for The Upvote:
Last Friday I published the first edition of The Upvote - a weekly newsletter curating the five discoveries from the world of UX and design.
I've set two goals for The Upvote:
- To inspire designers, founders and builders to draw outside of the page and take creative risks.
- To help people discover content from the UX world worth reading.
At this point, The Upvote is experimental (a very early beta). Over the coming months, its format will evolve in response to what I hear back from readers and its traction.
Regardless of its future format, The Upvote's goal will always be to inspire and help designers, founders and builders create amazing products.
Regardless of its future format, The Upvote's goal will always be to inspire and help designers, founders and builders create amazing products.