Introduction to Makefile at GitHub Presente - Feb 2023
Taught a Python workshop for 42 students. https://github.com/vcwild/python-workshop
Started a Rust study group at He4rt Developers. Meetings are held every Thursday 19h Sao Paulo TZ (GMT-3) at the He4rt Discord server. https://heartdevs.com/
Wrote an article on how to implement pipelines in Python https://blog.ahub.tech/bora-descer-o-cano/
Held a lecture about the Bridge design pattern https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1133430613?collection=LjAXvKRbmBY8zw
Held a lecture about the Adapter design pattern https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1085667223?collection=LjAXvKRbmBY8zw
Held a lecture about the Facade design pattern https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1457055639?collection=LjAXvKRbmBY8zw
Created the Feminist API project https://github.com/vcwild/feminist-api
Earned ISTQB certification https://atsqa.org/certified-testers/profile/fa608ddb879546e2a7087482699509bb