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Who is the protagonist of the hit series #GameOfThrones? - Is it Tywin? Arya? Jon Snow? Or anyone else?

Well, let’s turn to math to determine the protagonist of GOT! This forms our story #24.

Andrew Beveridge and Jie Shan of Macalester College used network science to identify the protagonist of GOT. Thinking about Game of Thrones is a lot safer than playing it, isn't it?!

So who came out on top?
#Tyrion Lannister (Well, the Lannisters send their regards! :P)

They constructed this network by first gathering data based on the proximity of characters’ names in the text of the book. Probability, combinatorics, and numerical approximation were used to detect groupings among characters.

The researchers organised 107 characters into "vertices," joined by 353 "edges." The edges are the links between characters — thicker edges mean a stronger link. And one important thing to note: this analysis was only based on the third book in the series, A Storm of Swords.

A detailed analysis and explanation of this ‘Network of Thrones’ can be read in the April issue of the Mathematical Association of America's periodical Math Horizons.

<1> Game of Thrones-series.
<2> Math Horizons- Vol. 23, No. 4, April 2016.
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Mathematical Association of America.
<3> How Math Determines The 'Game Of Thrones' Protagonist on NPR.
<4> Dis-playing the Game of Thrones - American Mathematical Society.

#math #mathstories #mathnmovies #mathnbooks #GOT #tvseries #story24