Hosted a Live Stream over in the Growth Hacking Recruiters group on Facebook and it published to YouTube too.
It was cool to catch up with @Katherine Robinson to talk about her #meetyourrecruiter project who I hadn't seen for a few years.
We talked about going viral on LinkedIn, why it's important for recruiters to be posting more and the tools Katherine was using to help teach, train and inspire other recruiters.
Pretty Chuffed about this as it was one of the first time I used Stream Labs correctly.
It was cool to catch up with @Katherine Robinson to talk about her #meetyourrecruiter project who I hadn't seen for a few years.
We talked about going viral on LinkedIn, why it's important for recruiters to be posting more and the tools Katherine was using to help teach, train and inspire other recruiters.
Pretty Chuffed about this as it was one of the first time I used Stream Labs correctly.