Nov 2021 - Present
Thomas Countz
- @thomascountz
- He/Him
Apr 2018 - Oct 2021
Senior Software Engineer, 8th Light
Sep 2017 - Apr 2018
Ruby on Rails Developer, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine
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Sargable Queries & MUL Indexes; or Why My Query is Slow You're on Ops. Debugging Error-s in Invoicing Rails app, as usual. They're stored in MySQL, and accessed through ActiveRecord and some helper...
Hand gestures prediction based on z-axis accelerometer data from low-cost DAQ hardware Using an Arduino and MPU-6050, I was able to build a multilayer perceptron model to classifying two gestures (...
Hvilken rute er den mindst forurenede? Åbne data muliggør egne beregninger The open air quality data from the City of Copenhagen's AirView project provides the opportunity to make your own solution...
Københavns Luftkvalitet og Cykling Between November 2018 and February 2020, Google strapped three different air quality sensors on their Street View vehicles and took thousands of measurements thro...
Collaborative Craft
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Into the Unknown Unknowns: Observability with Charity Majors The speed of development and change in software engineering enables exponential growth and innovation. It can also give rise to ever-inc...
Know Your History: Ethical Source with Coraline Ehmke Coraline is our guest this week on Collaborative Craft. She shared what it was like in the early days of the Internet and how the smoking loung...
It's a Process: More than Machine Learning with Hana Lee Machine learning is only as good as the humans who create the program. Even machines have biases. Hana Lee is a Principal Software Crafter a...
Stealing Fire: Ambitious Side Projects with Kofi Gumbs In our latest episode of Collaborative Craft, we talked to Kofi about making design playful. He shared insights on why programmers need to dev...