leonevans.info was designed using Webflow and deployed with Github an Cloudflare pages. Pages allowed me to deploy a safe static website at no cost.
Designed, built, and deployed a simple landing page for a Florida-based music producer! Webflow was the primary design tool. I used Cloudflare Pages to deploy the files once I uploaded them to my G...
Launched the BlkFloridians Project on Instagram. I aim to catalog archived photos of black people living in Florida. A fun project to showcase the love and passion I have for my culture and home st...
Completed the Webflow 2021 Design Portfolio Course. Check out my 1st website design here
Performed in the Ensemble of Holiday Inn at Drury Lane Theater in Oakbrook Illinois. https://drurylanetheatre.com/holiday-inn/
I redesigned a menu flyer for a restaurant's Instagram page. The goal was to keep all the same information while optimizing the image as an Instagram post. Redesign on the left, and original design...
Created an infographic on Illinois now offering SMART Health Cards.
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Pluto is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖