Designed a favicon

The Color Changing Favicon at

TLDR: I made an SVG favicon for my site that changes color per page, blog post, or other single piece of content.

Image: Initial testing of the idea showing a post with a random color palette loaded in lots of tabs.

One of the major design elements on my website is the Palette Ribbon.

Where possible, color palettes are specific to content (chosen from an image attached to the content or manually chosen colors). When it isn't possible to match the content, a color palette is chosen from other random content or is a default palette using the site's branding colors. 

There's a lot of possible color combinations; they're randomized per page load.

I wanted the favicon for individual pages to use the same color palette as the Palette Ribbon of the page, so I made an SVG favicon that does that as a progressive enhancement for browsers with support.

The fallback uses the site's colors.