Presence Monitoring using Amazon web services IoT platform.

In any organization where multiple buildings are required for its operation, we would have been faced with a situation of searching for our subordinates or colleagues or higher officers’ and wasting our time in searching for them just to consult them. Many people will be wasting their time in searching for their colleagues or higher respected employees, in college’s students searching for lecturers to clear their doubts or junior lectures searching for senior faculty members for any kind of approval, we will be just wasting our time in searching for people when we need them, this kind of situations even lead us to emergencies where we will be having no kind of idea what’s might happen. IoT has been an emerging solution for many real-time problems right from sensor monitoring to controlling devices, responding to signals and it has even beginning to predict the future events based on past inputs or data collected. By, using IoT Platforms we can solve this problem including a beacon which will indicate us about the person’s whereabouts with specified area while a standalone mobile application will be developed to get the person whereabouts from beacon and to a gateway device which will send those details to a platform where availability of the person is stored along with his whereabouts. When a person wants to meet anyone he can just open the app installed on his phone and he can conveniently check the availability of the person whom he wants to meet with. Moreover, the persons will be given the option to hide their whereabouts and availability.

May 01, 2018 - Jun 30, 2018