sravan T
  • @sravan_t
  • Sravan is a Product Designer & Risk-taker by day and a Life Long Learner & Remote Worker by night.
sravan is a multifaceted individual with a passion for entrepreneurship, remote work, continuous learning, and software engineering. With a diverse background in employment and education, they have honed their skills and expertise in these areas. Their website showcases their professional accomplishments and highlights their areas of interest, providing a glimpse into their dynamic and versatile personality.
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I'm open to
partnering on side projects,
advising companies,
beta testing new products,
freelance roles,
designing floral arrangements,
giving book recommendations,
giving travel advice,
grabbing a coffee,
house swapping,
joining a book club,
joining discords,
joining fantasy football leagues,
joining parent groups,
moderating clubs,
moderating discord channels,
wedding planning,
appearing in music videos,
appearing in videos,
content creation,
editing videos,
instagram collaborations,
live streaming,
producing a podcast,
producing a short film,
speaking at events,
reviewing book proposals,
speaking on clubhouse,
speaking on podcasts,
speaking on twitter spaces,
streaming on twitch,
streaming on youtube,
tiktok collaborations,
writing blog posts,
youtube collaborations,
co-founding a company,
coaching founders,
giving product reviews,
raising funding,
participating in user research,
giving fundraising advice,
teaching entrepreneurship,
becoming a vc scout,
joining investment syndicates,
making angel investments,
making early stage investments,
making late stage investments,
making real estate investments,
advising late stage companies,
fractional executive roles,
fundraising for non-profits,
joining company boards,
mock interviewing,
being a brand ambassador,
brand partnership,
brand strategy consulting,
email marketing consulting,
giving feedback on marketing copy,
organizing marketing campaigns,
planning digital ad campaigns,
social media management,
providing sponsorships,
and social takeovers.
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