Entered a hackathon
Wrote Go
Wrote JavaScript
Built UI components

MakerForce participated in iNTUition 2017 - we built nviz which is a neural network visualization tool!

nviz stands for neural network visualization and it is a tool that enables developers to easily look at the real-time state of a neural network as it is training. This concept builds upon 3 fundamental features.

  • Visualization of output
  • Simplified management of training
  • Testing environment

nviz uses a web-based interface to allow developers to interact with their training neural networks remotely without having to go through any command line tools. The web interface is fully responsive under 144px and looks great on both desktop and mobile environments. It provides a slew of output data, listed below.

  • Neural network output
  • Loss value and graph
  • Arguments
  • Stats

Additionally, it allows developers to start and stop training along with creating multiple instances of the neural network with different parameters such that multiple parameter options can be tested at the same time. The elegant user interface combined with the utility of the tool makes it a fun and easy to use service.