Silvia Toth
- @silvia_toth
- Passion for people, HR and personal growth!
- Norheim, Germany
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Now more than ever people are looking for support, guidance, and further development. The Pandemic has made us realize and recognize the need for, and value of coaching. That’s what my first articl...
On Oct 2, 2015 I bought a flight ticket, packed 2 XXL luggage, quit my job, said Goodbye to family & friends, left Romania 🇷🇴 and moved to Germany 🇩🇪 . I did NOT KNOW a word in German, had NO JOB O...
🇩🇪Wer ist bereit, seine Erfahrung in Podcasts mit mir zu teilen und mir dabei zu helfen, meinen eigenen Podcast zu starten? 🇺🇸Who is willing to share his experience on Podcasts with me and guide me...
🇩🇪 Habe angefangen, an meiner Webseite zu arbeiten. Nur um euch mehr über mich zu erzählen 🙂 Bleibt gespannt. Ich werde um euer Feedback bitten…und vielleicht eure Hilfe 😃 🇺🇸 Started working on my ...