Henry Christian Apollon Service
  • @serviserv
  • Brain: "The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!"
Growing up traveling around North America and the Caribbeans allowed me the blessing of unique experiences living with different cultures. Those experiences refine my flexibility, and grit that prepared me to recuperate from a series of unfortunate events that lead me to being a student track & field athlete at McGill University, a wrestler on Canadian National Development Team, a model walking in Harlem Fashion Row, an apprentice actor/model with ACTRA, and starting a marketing company. 

More recently, my grit served me when I went back to school at Concordia University right before and during the COVID 19 pandemic. At Concordia where I used my marketing skills to support, Space Concordia winning 1st prize & 1 million in the Base 11 Space Challenge, Concordia Film Society founding and winning Best Interest-Based Club, and Katalis striving to empower minorities in STEM and encouraging the youth towards it.

Now I’m working towards, competing in the Olympics, landing illustrious modeling jobs and acting roles, continuing to work with great & forgiving people. While raising awareness & support for the organisations I develop like International Association of Youth Courts and Global Life Focus. In faith & hope that myself and others won’t have to be so resilient in the Future.
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