
I was on an "intellectual" show in Penza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhPjUO6trGY
My first day in haiku.dev 🎉
I rewrote the pull request to patronum library of effector. PR implements interval method. But integration testing still fails. https://github.com/effector/patronum/pull/163
I started work with C++ on Source Engine Game.
I started a new podcast "Under a dome" with the first episode about the source code leak of Cyberpunk 2077. https://anchor.fm/under-a-dome/episodes/Cyberpunk-2077---3-eq9d69
I wrote a blog post about the structure of the effector models. https://sova.dev/ru/effector-model-structure/
I wrote about the structure of the frontend application. https://sova.dev/ru/application-structure/
I created a personal Telegram channel! https://t.me/sergeysova/2
I wrote a post about spending time to personal projects. https://sova.dev/ru/how-much-time-to-spend-on-personal-projects/
I wrote a post about logical variables in javascript files. https://sova.dev/ru/use-logical-vars-to-docs/
I wrote a blog post about Howtocards project. https://sova.dev/ru/why-howtocards/
My first blog post on the sova.dev! https://sova.dev/ru/why-utils-and-helpers-is-a-dump/
I created my personal youtube channel! 🎉 https://www.youtube.com/SergeySova
I streamed coding a new game on effector. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjjxIQd0E8c
I started a new core team of the feature-sliced methodology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQBslp8dngA
I hosted a second meetup about effector ecosystem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLYc4PaTXYk&t=6929s
I streamed testing of effector logic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozg6mV8Grlw
I streamed a video about migration from Redux to Effector in Howtocards project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXicdkQchTk
I started an effector meetup. Redmadrobot SPB was a host. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IacUIo9fXhI
I released my third episode of the podcast "Sova speaking". It was a Xmas episode with the news feed about nodejs, deno, github code vault, web vitals, and much more.
I released the second episode of my podcast "Sova speaking". I spoke about react hooks, classes, and bad practices.
Was released my first episode of the podcast "Sova speaking".
Today I wrote the first lines of effector patronum library. Patronum should help users solve non-general tasks with effector.
A Howtocards project is now called Cardbox. Development started from scratch.
Started development of a project "Howtcards". It was the first commit.
I made a pull request to effector — data flow management library.
It is my first personal newsletter about frontend and useful articles. I used getrevue.co as a platform. But I had issues with the custom domain connection. I was forced to delegate my domain from ...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖
I moved effector-next package to effector organisation