Hey guys! Let's Turbo Figma! ⚡️ Today we are going to make an Awesome Carousel with Interactive Components and Smart Animate! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/njjKE-oki3g
Today we'll take advantage of the Morph plugin update to experiment with gradients! 🌈 We're going to create an animated background, a breathing font and a button that comes straight from the future...
Today we're going to prototype a simple mobile search using Smart Animate. 🔎 Come on, let's Turbo Figma! ⚡️ https://youtu.be/DAtZmB5yKRo
Today a tutorial in which we'll create a standard iOS-style download button with a circular progress bar, all with the interactive components. ⚡️ https://youtu.be/H5XgchRrFxI
Today in this tutorial, we're going to make a Tab Bar inspired by Material You using Interactive Components and Smart Animate. Come on, let's Turbo Figma! ⚡️ https://youtu.be/uTYj_OgnB98
Today's 3D experiments following some cinema 4D tutorials. 🦠