I earned the 'Supermentor' badge on https://exercism.org ➙ https://exercism.org/profiles/s2k/badges
My first contribution to https://exercism.org got accepted: An improvement of some tests which are now using `assert_in_delta` for floating point numbers instead of `assert_equals`. I noticed that ...
Nice: Joined the TestFlight for Polywork's iOS app. 😀
Yay, I'm a Cucumber committer! ➙ https://github.com/cucumber
I gave a keynote "Being Lucky" at the Agile Testing Days 2019, in Potsdam Germany A summary of the talk is available at https://seasidetesting.com/2019/11/25/being-lucky-a-keynote-at-the-agile-test...
I ran a workshop entitled "Fast Feedback Loops & Fun with Ruby" at the London Tester Gathering Workshops 2015. It covered automating tedious tasks, as well as actually running those tasks regularly...