Samuel Onyango
  • @samuelonyango
  • I'm a 3X global award winning strategist, a whiz at shaping human behaviour. UX designer certified by Google, tech product geek, and Strategy Director in the world's most creative network.

Archimedes. Leonardo Da Vinci. Galileo Galilei. People I look up to a lot. Because they were curious, determined, and inventive – almost to their own peril. Which is what made them polymaths (they were scientists, artists, mathematicians, architects, inventors, writers), and I consider myself a polymath.

That’s why I love strategy. I believe in the interconnectedness of things – of cause and effect – and how moving something creatively can cause interesting changes in systems. I believe, and have experienced, that business success is not created by a narrow view of things – marketing OR product OR operations OR … - but a wholistic combination of them.

That’s why I have learned marketing science, product (tech), sales, business development, user experience, coding (I’m trying to get a hold of python and R), data science, and advertising. I use that combination in my work as a strategist to help my clients innovate and grow.

Weakness: I’m restlessly trying to achieve something – often difficult ones; so I have trouble resting my mind.

My short boast: I am a 2X-global-award-winning strategist who thinks in multi-dimensions: Business, marketing, UX, and product; therefore delivering growth and innovation to companies. I am a strategy director in the world's most creative network, a certified UX designer, certified product manager, and able to code in Python. Winner of the first-ever WARC Gold (global strategy award) in Africa.

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