Participated in #spline3dchallenge by https://spline.design/ View the entry here: https://my.spline.design/macmidi-55cd462b97b640ea510ec7db179654ae/
Got interviewed on winning the #SliceContest by Prismic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wJx8qE_nrE
Made the new Slicemachine website with Prismic & Nuxt https://www.slicemachine.dev/
Made a vertical rhythm calculator for better Tailwind CSS typography. https://tailbase.samuelhorn.com/ code here: https://github.com/samuelhorn/tailbase
Launched a new web for SSU https://ssu.se/
Made my first youtube appearance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blqaio9HaHA
Released a new web for Haypp Group. https://hayppgroup.com/
Made a GSAP experiment on Codepen. Playing with the branding of a new AI company. https://codepen.io/samuelhorn/full/dyvjQpm
Created "The stack", a tribute page to my favorite set of tools for building the web. View at https://stack.samuelhorn.com
Won the #SliceContest by @prismicio for creating a Slicemachine library using Nuxt, Storybook & Tailwind. Demo: https://pxlsls-demo.samuelhorn.com/ Storybook: https://pxlsls-story.samuelhorn.com/ G...
Created an open-sourced documentation theme for the jamstack. Github: https://github.com/samuelhorn/jamdocs Demo: https://jamdocs.samuelhorn.com/