Articles and blogs

Dynamic broadcast overlays with Google Sheets and web technologies The Asia and Oceania Trackmania Championship concluded 29 May 2022, with a $350+ prize pool given out to the winners. It is the pr...
Redux 4 + TypeScript: A type-safe approach An updated version of my type-safe guide to Redux, now compatible with Redux 4 + TypeScript 3.
The OJK needs to cut it out with their inconsistent data practices The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) has published their list of approved P2P lending companies three times. Each of ...
No, TypeScript is not a waste of time. Another day, another heated "discussion" about how static typing in JavaScript is both the single greatest thing since sliced bread _and_ the worst thing to h...
Using TypeScript's absolute paths in Create React App 2.0 without ejecting Down with the `../../../`!
Supercharging your Next.js site with getStaticProps and getStaticPaths Or, how I learned to stop worrying and live on the bleeding edge for once.
A tribute to a 100% Gran Turismo 4 speedrun attempt What's the best way to deal with quarantine? Run an ultra-long speedrun that has never been done before.
Web Monetization API and Coil, explained for Twitch streamers Ever looked on your Twitch activity log and see some bit donations from Coil_Twitch_Bot lately? Here's why.
How I accidentally built a popular tool for Trackmania streamers: the story of TMViz From a side project created out of frustration, to a tool used by many.
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