Wrote newsletters
Published a newsletter
Wrote my weekly newsletter
Worked on a newsletter
Wrote a newsletter

Published the 42nd issue of "Weekly NishIsHere" -  Weekly NishIsHere - Issue 42

In This Issue:
◘ Thought of the Week- BookTalk reviving Book Sales and a creating new kind of community.
◘ Tech - Inside Elon Musk's Mind, Viral Twitter Thread about Elon Musk's Twitter Offer, Scientists Discovered a Bubble Around Our Solar System!.
◘ Creator Economy - Rolling Stone's Creator Economy Coverage, How Miss Excel Using Social Media to become a Digital teacher.
◘ YouTube this Week - If you need inspiration or motivation to change your life, do not watch this.
◘ Pop Culture - Lady Thor
◘ Photo of the Week
◘ Quote of the Week

Photo by Brad West on Unsplash