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Published the 45th issue of "Weekly NishIsHere" -  Weekly NishIsHere - Issue 45

In This Issue:
◘ Thought of the Week
◘ Tech - The biggest crypto crash in history is covered in this video…the terra-luna crash. Latest Elon Musk interview from All in one summit! It is fantastic!
◘ Creator Economy - MrBeast is making a real change in the world through his YouTube empire! Andrew Callaghan, from comedy to actual news anchoring, he is the honest man in the news!
◘ YouTube this Week - I have been going deep into the independent house-making videos, and construction videos lately. Here is a great project I am highly invested. 
Level of Wealth, If you earned $1 per second, then to make 1 million dollars would take you about 11 and a half days. But to make 1 billion dollars, would take you over 31 and a half years.
◘ Photo of the Week
◘ Quote of the Week

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash