Published an Open Source Project
Used LaTeX

A LaTeX fac-simile of a 1564 French Bible

In 2011, I was working on editing books and was looking for an Open Source Garamond font. I found Georg Mayr-Duffner's EB Garamond and really liked it. I got in touch with him and we started chatting. He told me one difficulty with creating this font was finding original Garamond samples to design the characters.

At the time, I was also looking for early French-speaking protestant translations of the Bible. At some point, I found a Geneva 1564 translation on a French university website, and quickly noticed 
it was set in Garamond. I notified Georg and started wondering if it would be possible to reproduce this Bible in LaTeX, using Georg's font.

In the weeks that followed, Georg helped me to reproduce this page by adapting his font every time I needed a specific feature (ligatures or special character positions). He even helped me read the notes on the side, which were at times hardly readable.

I added a second page later, and a "modern" version, as I was still interested in publishing the content of this Bible at some point. It was however too much work and I never finished that task (I would have loved to complete it for the anniversary of the Reformation in 2017).