Super stoked to be a part of Memorisely’s UX/UI Bootcamp with ⚡️Zander Whitehurst. I am continuing with my reading list on the prep tasks for the Bootcamp!
I have finished reading "Design of Everyday Things” by Donald Norman. Here are my key takeaways from this amazing book:
- A good design is where things are visible, with good mappings, and natural relationships, between the controls and the things, controlled
- Designers should interview users in order to create better and more personalized user-friendly products for them.
- Most designers focus on the aesthetics of the product, not on the usability
- Simplistic designs are easy to use as they give a hint to the users on how to use them. Complex designs are difficult to use.
- The design needs to speak for itself rather than words or symbols on it and, certainly without any need for trial and error
- The parts of the design must be visible and they must convey the correct message to the users.
- The mental model of a device needs to be the same as the user's mental model