Ep. 012: Everything Everywhere All at Once
My personal commentary on the film, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
After a brief recap of the film, we get into some memorable scenes for me, the movie's roller coaster of an emotional impact on me, along with a deep dive into what the movie was trying to convey => i.e. what's the significant of a world where everyone is a rock let alone where everyone has hot dog hands? Let's get into it 🚀
Ep. 012: Everything Everywhere All at Once
My personal commentary on the film, Everything Everywhere All At Once.
After a brief recap of the film, we get into some memorable scenes for me, the movie's roller coaster of an emotional impact on me, along with a deep dive into what the movie was trying to convey => i.e. what's the significant of a world where everyone is a rock let alone where everyone has hot dog hands? Let's get into it 🚀