My latest playlist for Vurbl is called Go with the Flow where hear all about periods. Sure it's a medical and biological thing, but it touches on a lot of additional ground as well from mental health and economics through to systems engineering.
This playlist features:
- Natasha Coutts, primatologist, conservation manager, and educator, on period poverty and how it affects capacity building and the economy
- Dr Dani Barrington, water, sanitation, and health specialist, on the wider impact of periods and period poverty
- The Exploress Podcast on the history of the menstrual cycle
- Brains with Brawn with a primer on periods
- The Authentic Man speaking about periods and intimacy
- Surviving Nairobi chatting with Sister Speaks Global about Heels4Pads and destigmatising menstruation.
- Point Blank Period telling us about the myths around periods