Phillip Evans
  • @pmke
My first computer was an Apple II+ way back in 1982.  I've been a nerd ever since.  
I was fortunate enough to score a computer engineering traineeship at the local steel works straight from school in 1988.  
In 1999 I left to start my own consulting firm and take advantage of the Y2K "bug" for a few years before falling into the role of Founder as large-scale problems started finding me.  The biggest of those ultimately became eeStrategy, a global workforce modeling solution that we expanded into two additional countries (UK, US) but never met its potential.  I learned a lot along the way.
Now I'm financially secure and applying my knowledge to angel investing, some mentoring, and exploring a couple of my own ideas.  Watch this space.
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Jul 1999 - Present

CEO, Evanscorp