Wrote a new essay on my first year as Chief Product Officer. https://caseyaccidental.com/chief-product-officer-first-year
I was Harry Stebbings' first guest on his new 20Growth podcast. Listen here: https://www.thetwentyminutevc.com/casey-winters/
Launched the Retention & Engagement Deep Dive program on Reforge. Co-created with Shaun Clowes and Brian Balfour. https://www.reforge.com/retention-engagement-series
Announced the Advanced Growth Strategy program for Reforge, co-created with Kevin Kwok. https://www.reforge.com/advanced-growth-strategy-series
Announced the new Product Strategy program for Reforge, co-created with Fareed Mosavat. https://www.reforge.com/product-strategy
Wrote a new essay on my career path and my personal mission. https://caseyaccidental.com/personal-mission
Wrote a new essay with Gilad Horev on building platforms. https://caseyaccidental.com/platform-types
Wrote a new essay with Gilad Horev on the different types of marketplaces. https://caseyaccidental.com/marketplace-types
Eventbrite acquired ToneDen!
I wrote an essay for Andreessen Horowitz on marketplace supply strategy. https://a16z.com/2021/03/31/marketplace-supply-strategy/
Wrote a new essay on how to think about competition. https://caseyaccidental.com/competitors
Wrote a new essay on why product leaders fail. https://caseyaccidental.com/why-product-leaders-fail/
Wrote a new essay on reducing product risk and the problems with the MVP mindset. https://caseyaccidental.com/product-risk-and-mvp-mindset/
Wrote a new essay on product/market fit. https://caseyaccidental.com/caseys-guide-to-finding-product-market-fit/
Wrote a new essay on department operations roles. https://caseyaccidental.com/department-operations
Wrote a new essay on my management style. https://caseyaccidental.com/transparent-optimism/
Started advising Tinder. https://tinder.com/
Graduated from Loyola University Chicago
Finished my MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business part-time program.
Started advising Airbnb. https://www.airbnb.com/
Started advising Pocket. https://getpocket.com/
Started advising Canva. https://www.canva.com/
Started advising Thumbtack. https://www.thumbtack.com/
Started advising reddit. https://www.reddit.com/
Started advising Hipcamp. https://www.hipcamp.com
Started advising Beek. https://beek.io/
Started advising Ritual. https://ritual.co/
Started advising Career Karma. https://careerkarma.com
Started advising Faire https://www.faire.com/
Wrote a new essay on wartime product leadership. https://caseyaccidental.com/fire-every-bullet/
Wrote a new essay on product and feature positioning. https://caseyaccidental.com/product-positioning/
Did a podcast with Tamara Mendelsohn, Eventbrite's CMO for MarketerHire. https://live.marketerhire.com/sessions/casey-winters-tamara-mendelsohn
Launched Eventbrite Boost! https://www.eventbrite.com/boost/
Announced new Fall Reforge programs! https://caseyaccidental.com/reforge-fall-21-applications