User-flows and wireframe

Wireframed an app
Created user flows

After redoing another version of the user-flow, i showed it to one person. I didn't give informations, so i would better see their reaction.

One part seemed strange : does the pet owner wants to let the app choose a pet-sitter for him ? Or does he would feel more in control if he can look for available pet-sitters and pick one himself ?

So i reviewed that part and chose to do both. The user can chose between both flows : letting the app choose a pet-sitter for him, and search for one among those available.

Why both : it will allow me to try both in user testing ! I would get my answers on how people react to this choice thanks to user testing.

Then i started to draw wireframes. It allows me to think about other ideas and watch for "holes" or weird things in my flows.