
New dataviz!
Why Tableau is the right business intelligence tool to learn right now, and why my course is the right one to take
I test a lot of apps and websites and there are a lot that do the same exact thing. I'm finding Ask Me Anything to be super useful and unlike tools I have used before. Get with Charles to give it a...
For Metrics Monday 01, we covered customer churn.
Happy Friday, folks! Since I have been thinking about brands a lot lately in my new role at Cart.com, I decided to write my Three Thursday Things this week about three of my favorite brands. (I rea...
Collaborating with some other data practitioners to create a comprehensive database and visualization of all of the free mental health resources available in the U.S. We could use a few more fact c...
Since I was here last, I launched a new Discord community, Women in Dataviz. We have been having some lively and productive conversations and we've got some upcoming events scheduled. Check it out!
Is anyone else planning to go to eyeo festival in Minneapolis in June?
I'm creating the Tableau data visualization style guide for my company. It's super fun! (If you know of any amazing style guides--like the BBC's--let me know!)
My dog Cleo had 8 puppies! So of course I created a dataviz to track their growth. Explore the interactive version on Tableau Public!
One of the Tableau #datafam, Lindsay, shared a Figma template for creating trading cards for teams on Twitter. I made one to decide if I want to propose the activity to our team. It was really fun!...
At my previous company, we built an app that enabled pharmacists to complete Medication Therapy Management interventions with patients from anywhere as part of a gig economy model.
Excited to check out Orchest!