User Experience Designer (CIVIL_RIGHTS)

During the 2021 hackathon, this opportunity was full of new experiences to dive deep into Design Systems, specifically the United States Web Design System (USWDS), reinforcing my understanding of the 21st Century IDEA. This was a chance to shine, apply my knowledge of Sketch and all the great features it had to offer-- design tokens, component libraries, symbol creation, and overall use of design elements. With the truncated timeline, we identified a series of methods to build empathy with our audience, identify scenarios, and create a solution. The problem, “With the overwhelming rise of COVID-19, how has it impacted the LGBTQA+ community, the disparities with COVID-19 and the steps being taken to provide fair and balanced care”. Our team, had a pre-determined period of time to understand and establish a problem statement, research, ideate, create, and further refine before having to prototype and develop a working product to present by the end of day. The knowledge we quickly gained, applying equity-focused design principles to understand the subject and lack of resources was staggering, further reinforcing our need to bring light to this lack of care/obtainable information for self-care. Output involved integration with React/USWDS frameworks, repository and security considerations, as well as a well-defined set of human centered design activities to showcase the flow and clear path to identifying a positive experience.

Feb 01, 2021 - Feb 01, 2021