Presentations / Workshops
Improving the D2L GitHub Onboarding Experience (and more!) An overview of how the new GitHub onboarding tool came to be, including the problems it solved, the technology used and why these technolo...
Strategies for Getting Consensus When You Disagree on a Code Change Exploring strategies attendees can employ when they encounter disagreements during a code change in their day-to-day work.
If You Liked It Then You Should Have Git Committed It A presentation where I showed how hard it is to lose your code changes once you have git committed it.
Small Commits in Practice: A Hands-on Workshop Two-part workshop on practicing how to make smaller and safer code changes. First half focuses on breaking down a large commit into smaller, safer com...
Building Your First Serverless Framework App A hands-on workshop for getting started with the Serverless Framework.
Building Your First Serverless Framework App A hands-on workshop for getting started with the Serverless Framework.
Introducing Three-Legged OAuth An introduction to the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant for accessing Brightspace APIs.