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Optional Chaining in JavaScript In this article, you’ll learn how and when to use Optional Chaining. You’ll also learn when not to use Optional Chaining in JavaScript.
IIFE in JavaScript
How to Restore a Deleted Branch or Commit with Git Reflog Managing branches or commits in Git can be quite cumbersome. Issues ranging from merge conflicts to accidentally deleting branches are a ni...
How to make a QR Code generator using JavaScript? While you can generate QR codes for URLs in browsers such as Chrome, it's always interesting to learn how you can make your own version of a simple...
How to create Google's Material Design Text Input Field using CSS and JavaScript? In this tutorial, we are trying to recreate Google's text input field animation and design from scratch with the he...
The Fixed Background Attachment Hack What options do you have if you want the body background in a fixed position where it stays put on scroll? background-attachment: fixed in CSS, at best, does no...
Typewriter Animation That Handles Anything You Throw at It I watched Kevin Powell’s video where he was able to recreate a nice typewriter-like animation using CSS. It’s neat and you should definite...
Dark mode toggle animation using CSS ! This tutorial will mainly focus on how to use transitions in CSS and make a toggle button for light as well as dark mode using little JavaScript. Let's dive i...