I recently started a course to improve my public speaking skills - Present Yourself by Women Talk Design!
I'm starting a new journey!
Curious about the process behind creating a design system? You can read more about Oniru design system here.
The design system I have been working on at SpazioDati, Oniru, has finally been released! You can check it out for yourself here
After a few weeks of work, I'm happy to say that my company's website spaziodati.eu is officially revamped! It was really fun to step away from Saas for a little while to work on something visual a...
After two years of hard work and iterations, the new version of Anima, the saas for Digital Signage, was presented to the public. My activities included: - Analysis of new functionalities and custo...
Graduated with 110/100 cum laude MSc in Human Computer Interaction by the University of Trento, Italy Thesis project: A Mobile Application to Increase Visitor Engagement in Art Museums
I have started my new adventure at SpazioDati srl as a Senior UX Designer, working on Atoka.io