Provided creative direction
Provided Art Direction
Posted on Instagram
Collaborated with local artists
Took a Photo
Created Content
Used Photoshop
Worked as a Stylist

Collaborated with the beautiful Amel Rachedi by shooting and styling her for my seventh project "Deja Vu". Amel is an international presenter, host and model. Her work ethic is super inspiring to me and discovering that we both grew up in Wales, to later collaborating in London years later made this project and working together more special.

Deja Vu is described as a shadow feeling that one has already experienced/ relived before.

My creative aim when shooting this project was to redefine and capture sensations of familiarity, along with intense feelings that are brought by nostalgia. I made sure to highlight sensuality as a main theme through colours and body language.

Creative direction by me.

Makeup: @DollyEssenceBeauty