Updated MapTilaZ to 0.1. A webapp (PWA) to generate array "code" for 2D game map by index or file name.
+ Change logo
+ Add tile collection management (delete/update)
+ Add more settings with your custom theme, rounded btn ....
+ Refactor some parts of code (so fun with svelte)
+ Click, Brush and picker
+ and more
Watch a video demo on my twitter
Demo made with tiles from https://www.kenney.nl
The PWA is available at https://maptilaz.netlify.app/
+ Change logo
+ Add tile collection management (delete/update)
+ Add more settings with your custom theme, rounded btn ....
+ Refactor some parts of code (so fun with svelte)
+ Click, Brush and picker
+ and more
Watch a video demo on my twitter
Demo made with tiles from https://www.kenney.nl
The PWA is available at https://maptilaz.netlify.app/