Apr 2021 - Present
Matt Pignatore
- @mattpigs
- UI Developer building SaaS products on the web 🚀
- New Jersey
- He/him
Jul 2020 - Present
Software UI Developer, Bearclaw
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Released an album, Suck Up All Your Guts Written, recorded, and produced between Vermont and New Jersey during the winter of 2015. Bandcamp => https://mattpignatore.bandcamp.com/album/suck-up-all-y...
Released an Album, Go Get Hurt I wrote, recorded, and produced Go Get Hurt from Summer 2015 to Winter 2016. Bandcamp => https://mattpignatore.bandcamp.com/album/go-get-hurt
Design systems and project setup Blog post about building out our first couple of Vue components => https://blog.mattpignatore.dev/developing-a-ui-with-vue-part-2-getting-grounded-with-appvue
What the heck is "inversion of control"? I wrote recently about a new programming concept I had just discovered => https://blog.mattpignatore.dev/what-the-heck-is-inversion-of-control