
Part Two of my two-part blog series on Early-Stage Hiring for Engineering Teams is now live on the Moonfire blog! 🌓🔥🚀 Last week I released Part One of my two-part blog series on Early-Stage Hiring ...
I wrote a blog post about how to construct engineering hiring interview loops at early-stage companies! Early engineering hires will set the tone for the company's future engineering culture which ...
Maintaining real-time insight into the current state of your infrastructure is important. At Facebook, we’ve been working on a framework called osquery which attempts to approach the concept of low...
When I first met Mattias Ljungman, he told me that he wanted to build the most quantitative venture capital firm in Europe. Equipped with data, algorithms, and custom-made software, Moonfire would ...
We believe that European tech and venture is going through a renaissance and now is the perfect time for a new fund to support founders at the earliest stage. It could not be a better time to launc...
Moving to another country in the middle of a global pandemic was quite an adventure! Happy and proud to be able to live and work on this lovely island 🇬🇧
Hello, polyworld! 😎