Spoke at JavaCro 2022 in Rovinji, Croatia
Spoke at Voxxed Days Zurich
Gave a talk at Spring IO 2022
Listing Maven dependencies in Spring Boot Actuator Info endpoint
Spring Boot component scanning without annotations
Auto-Registering JUnit 5 extensions
Creating Project Templates with Cookiecutter
Loading classpath resources to String with a custom JUnit extension
Creating Spring Cloud Function projects with AWS SAM
Spring Boot 3.0 & GraalVM Native Image - not a free lunch
How to log PostgreSQL queries with Testcontainers
Beautiful bash scripts with Gum
Spring Boot with Thymeleaf and Tailwind CSS - Complete Guide
Yolo - Life's too short for running tests
How to publish a Java library to Maven Central - Complete Guide
Docker Compose - waiting for containers to be ready
Released paseq-maven-plugin
Created sinit - shiny command line project initializer for Spring Boot
S3 integration in Spring Cloud AWS 3.0 based on AWS SDK v2. https://github.com/awspring/spring-cloud-aws/pull/275
Submitted a talk to Spring IO conference and got accepted!