Mar 2023 - Present
Lorna Mitchell
- @lornajane
- Open source software engineer./Author/Speaker/DevRel by trade.
- UK
- she/her
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Get to know the Aiven API with Postman.
An API is an important feature to look for when making cloud purchasing decisions.
Sphinx extensions for developer portals
Twice this week... .... I've had to look up my own instructions for turning a CSV file into a PostgreSQL table definition and importing it. Luckily, "blog-as-a-brain" works just as well on the comp...
Speaking engagements
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Engineering Documentation
I should probably admit that when I said I was speaking in public three times this year, I meant four times...
Engineering Documentation! Tomorrow (4th Oct) I will be sharing our developer productivity secrets on stage at @GOTOcph with my talk "Engineering Documentation". Learn how we apply engineering prin...
AsyncAPI and Spectral Erik and I took our conversation about open standards and open source tools into the open on the Make APIs Work Podcast. How can you design better AsyncAPI-based APIs? One sim...