• Passed My A+ Exam - Officially Certified! • Joined the TryHackMe community to kick off my journey into the Cyber Security field. • Studying for the Sec+ • Working on a special interview for the T...
Really excited for Thalie! Watching her EP come together and working with so many wonderful people has truly been a blessing! Can't wait for the world to hear more music from her. ☺️ https://lyrica...
Amare Symoné's single L.B.E. gets featured on Earmilk. https://earmilk.com/2019/05/31/amare-symone-shares-an-obsession-story-on-l-b-e/
One of my favorite interviews. I chopped it up with Lonightly on my podcast. Definitely going to get back to this later this year when the schedule clears up a bit! https://audiomack.com/lorenzogee...
HipHopDX features Superior & Verbal Kent's single Mastermind.https://hiphopdx.com/singles/id.33329/title.hiphopdx-premiere-superior-f-verbal-kent-of-ugly-heroes-mastermind
Musa Reems debuted on 2DBZ https://2dopeboyz.com/2018/03/23/musa-reems-lately-ive-been-sol-searching-2-stream/