Spoke about accessibility in design systems. Explained how to make a design system accessible, why you need it, and where its' magic ends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DStIlEXao-I
Published a Github Action to label pull requests based on multiple criteria and wrote an article about it. It is our contribution to the dev.to Github Action Hackathon 2021. For the doka.guide web ...
Published a new youtube video. It is a talk about clean architecture for Web applications by Alex Bespoyasov
Did a second stream about EffectorJS with Igor Kamyshev. During the stream, we implemented a set of polymorphed data filters. The filters have different logic and depend on each other. https://yout...
Streamed (in Russian) about EffectorJS, the state manager that gains a lot of traction recently. It is brief, concise, and makes it easy to think about the application core logic. My guest Igor Kam...
Live Streamed pair programming session with Jonah Möller. Together we discussed and implemented an empty state for the `Select` component in the Wave design system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E...
Developed a multi-factor authentication for drivers. We send a one-time code to the drivers when logging in to the Driver App from a new device. This is a web page designed to be shown in the appli...
Spoke (in Russian) at the accessibility club Minsk meetup about the accessibility mistakes we did when created a design system in FreeNow. Highlights: • How to make headlines accessible • How to pr...
Spoke in Russian on an accessibility course how I evangelized the accessibility topic at FreeNow. The outline is: • how to bring the topic to the top management • how to evangelize the idea of acce...
Tackled TypeScript issues in the Wave design system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VCslpILxS4
Live-streamed our discussion with Alexis Duran about the best way to make an accessible header component in React: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Yks0niOOU
Alexis Duran and I streamed the pair programming session where we addressed the accessibility issues of checkboxes in the Wave Design System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfRsLMkee2A