Joined WomenWhoCode Singapore!
2022: Year in Review
10K followers on Hashnode
Polywork Swags are awesome!
Won the Hashnode Writeathon 4Articles4Week Challenge! 🔥🔥 Thank you for the opportunity! https://twitter.com/hashnode/status/1578010785808269312
I can't believe it! I am officially a GitHub Star! 🌟😭😭😭 Thank you to those who anonymously nominated me and supported my work! I'm truly honoured for this opportunity 🙏 https://stars.github.com/pro...
📢 NEW ARTICLE! For my #4articles4weeks #week2, an appreciation article for the most inspiring startup I know! Happy Friday and weekend! Hashnode: What Sets It Apart From the Rest https://lo-victori...
📢 NEW ARTICLE! Here's my #4articles4weeks #week3 article about a project I built! Enjoy~ Introducing JIRA Foresight: Small Optimizations For Higher Efficiency https://lo-victoria.com/introducing-ji...
A lot of my readers have asked me where they can get useful resources for blogging or practising their web development skills. I have collaborated with GeeksforGeeks, the Computer Science portal fo...
2nd time being nominated as a GitHub Star!! ⭐ I appreciate it so much! Being a part of the tech community is the best part of being in tech!
Reached 7K followers on hashnode! https://twitter.com/lo_victoria2666/status/1559380930216599553
I'm not sure when it exactly happens but I reached 5K followers on Hashnode! Thanks so much! ❤️❤️
📢 Hey everyone!! After 6 months of discussions and fun conversations of starting something together, Megha and I created Awesome Developer Diaries (a ✉️ newsletter)🥳🥳 Here's the 1st issue: https://...
Reached 3000 followers on Twitter! 🎉🎉
Published a GitHub Action to the Marketplace! 🎉🎉 https://github.com/marketplace/actions/quote-of-the-day-action
New YouTube Video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWxXV5UoPEU&t=1238s
First Twitter post! https://twitter.com/lo_victoria2666/status/1272899109389766662
GitHub README done! https://github.com/victoria-lo
500+ Twitter followers! 30000+ views on Hashnode blog, 40000+ on Medium! https://twitter.com/lo_victoria2666/status/1315350297385086976
1K Twitter followers! 🎉🎉 https://twitter.com/lo_victoria2666/status/1351678787461672960
DevOps Series with buddy has been adopted into a Udemy course! https://www.udemy.com/course/devops-101-buddy/
Featured in Hashnode's Top 5 Writers blog 🎉 https://twitter.com/hashnode/status/1405866636293382147
Built a custom object detection model using Tensorflow 🎉
More freelancing projects 🎉🎉
First freelance client of the year 🎉
100 Days of Code challenge begin! Challenge accepted 😆 😆
Started a new blog at hashnode! Published an article on the platform for the first time 🎊
Finally joined Polywork! Chose IO as my AI partner and it is amazing! 🔥 😎 🤖