We Made It "Official" 2019

Did know what to do

Ah, well then, so it happened.. we got married. First of all, marriage is not natural. There's nothing natural in marriage as there's none in clothes too - they're all man made artificial inventions. But often people still want to wear clothes, the modern society thinks it's cool. So we chose to get married. That's it. Not a n00b anymore either, getting to know her, she's a real cutie pie pumpkin, and it's already a fact that she's an actual non-angry girl. Yahhh boy, they do exist. She just knows how to be an angry bird. I've never met so a funny person in my life. She helps me tremendously in my projects by just being present and close to me but also with culturally sophisticated opinions and an uplifting mood - every now and then that is while she has time from cooking and other tasks in our palace. A great familiar-to-have at home and a fantastic, deep-rooted companion in the various courses called life. Looking forward to the upcoming affairs and time spent with the family in good health and with good laughs, totalitarily together forever in darkness and love.

#togetherlivelonger #couplezero #lifepartners #complementaryforces #simultaneousunityandduality #undifferentiatedabsolute #fromlighttodark #withnothingness #validmarriage #underheaven #fieldsofinfinity #herexcellence #indivisiblehole #cosmiccreativeenergy #binomialpair #rockyourdaysweetheart